Suzuki Model Codes

Shown below is a list of Suzuki model year codes. We have tried our best to provide accurate information, but we cannot be held responsible for any errors. Please check the part number that you are ordering is correct for your model before you order.
R 1979 N 1987 H 1995 S
1972 J 1980 T 1988 J 1996 T
1973 K 1981 X 1989 K 1997 V
1974 L 1982 Z 1990 L 1998 W
1975 M 1983 D 1991 M 1999 X
1976 A 1984 E 1992 N 2000 Y
1977 B 1985 F 1993 P 2001 K1
1978 C 1986 G 1994 R 2002 K2